Meg wins our 5th Athlete Spotlight!

Congratulations Meg! Here is why Sean chose you for the award:

“The person I would like to pick is Meg Leighton. She is someone whom I have seen grow as an athlete over the time that I have been in Las Vegas. She has been willing to jump into all of the events and make changes on the fly. Meg is coachable and has enough body awareness to explain what she is feeling while throwing. In addition, she helps create a great practice atmosphere by welcoming new and old athletes to practice. Her willingness to do the dirty work to help provide a clean and kept practice field is truly wonderful, too. I believe she also has a keen eye for safety that allows us to have so many highlanders practice safely at the same time. Thank you Meg for being a rockstar and a foundation of the Las Vegas Highlanders!”

And here are Meg’s answers!

How Many Years Have You Competed in Highland Games?

4 years

What is Your Favorite Event and Why?

Weight Over Bar. When I started, I didn’t think I could ever do it, but now I find I actually enjoy it (nothing like throwing something heavy straight up in the air over your head to get your heart rate up!)

Why Do You Do Highland Games?

Mostly because of the people, but also because I never participated in sports growing up as I didn’t think I’d be any good at it, but everyone is welcoming and encouraging regardless of your skill level which really motivates me to come out and do my best!

What is a Fun Fact About You?

I met my husband George building a concert stage for the Who on the Kids are Alright Tour way back in 1989, but we didn’t start dating until 2001. Now we’ve been married for sixteen years!