Joe wins our 3nd Athlete Spotlight!

Congratulations Joe! Here is why Doug chose you for the award:

“Joseph Phelan! There are many deserving people in our group and Joe is certainly one of them. Joe is at practice week in and week out and is always welcoming to any new athlete that steps on the field. He also is always willing to provide tips and advice and gladly takes time away from his own training to share his knowledge with novice throwers.”

And here are Joe’s answers!

How Many Years Have You Competed in Highland Games?

5 years

What is Your Favorite Event and Why?

Weight for distance. I used to think it required more athleticism than other events but now I think I have just gone too far down the rabbit hole to give up on it.

Why Do You Do Highland Games?

I started in the highland games to have a new sport to train for and a reason to build and test strength. Now I do it for the network of support and friendship that this sport provides. People from all walks of life come together to celebrate each other and work to make each other better.

What is a Fun Fact About You?

I can swim really fast!