Gordon is February’s Battle Born Spotlight Athlete!

Congratulations Gordon Lawes! Here is why Abby chose you:

“I chose Gordon because he’s been doing very well helping me stay on track even though he’s been having some health related things going on.”

And here are Gordon’s answers!

When Did You Start Competing in Highland Games?


What is Your Favorite Event and Why?

Caber/Hammer – They have always been my best events and when I get a 12:00 on a caber toss the rush is amazing.

Why Do You Do Highland Games?

It’s something my brother Abby and I started together and it’s something we share and are very passionate about. Also the friends that we have made along the way are some of the best people I know!!

What is a Fun Fact About You?

That I’m a fun guy to be around!! I try to make everyone feel good and have a great time!!