Meet Brandon Abernathy, our 8th Athlete Spotlight!

Congratulations Brandon! Here is why Christena chose you for the award:

“I chose Brandon because he is an active part of our group, even when he was not throwing. Not only is he a great representative of Vegas as a thrower at games, he is always willing to volunteer at our backyard games and the local games. He is a blast to throw with at practice, always has a positive attitude, and is genuine. I also admire his perseverance through injuries and setbacks and his openness to share his journey back to throwing.”

And here are Brandon’s answers!

How Many Years Have You Competed in Highland Games?

1ish years

What is Your Favorite Event and Why?

It used to be hammers. I was good at it and constantly improving. I’m working to change that out now since my left arm won’t straighten out anymore.

Why Do You Do Highland Games?

I started them because my brother asked me to. I continued to compete because of the people I met at practice and comps are amazing. It’s a great way to get into and stay in shape.

What is a Fun Fact About You?

I’m the Pirate King.